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China Strengthens Legal Aid for Abducted Women

来源:Culture Capsule news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-03 13:51:26
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China Strengthens Legal Aid for Abducted Women

 April 8, 2022

BEIJING, April 6 (Xinhua) — China's Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) on Wednesday announced that a special campaign has been launched to strengthen judicial assistance to women in need, including those who are victims of abduction and human trafficking.

Jointly initiated by the SPP and the All-China Women's Federation, the campaign began in March and will run until the end of this year.

The initiative covers women who are victims of crimes such as domestic violence, sexual assault, abduction and trafficking, as well as those who are disabled or seriously ill.

Women who bear the responsibility of raising children or supporting the elderly but whose family's breadwinner has died or lost their ability to work due to criminal conduct are also eligible for assistance.

In addition, elderly women who have no one to support them can also receive assistance under this campaign.

The Chinese government is weaving an even stronger protection net for women and children in the aftermath of an alleged case of abuse against a woman in east China that recently garnered widespread attention.

Other stringent measures include a 10-month nationwide operation, starting from March 1, to crack down on the abduction and trafficking of women and children to better protect these groups.


(Source: Xinhua)


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